Other names: Fingerling Potato
Availability: October through April
Source: Mexico and the United States.
Handling Tips: 45-50° F. Keep cool, dry and dark.
General Information: Narrow finger-shaped potatoes called "fingerlings" are used for roasting, boiling, baking and salads. See specific variety for best use. Many of these potatoes are heritage varieties.
Anna Cheeka's Ozette - pale gold skin and creamy flesh with a nutty flavor. Best preparation is to steam or saute. According to Ronningers "Ozette was introduced by the Spanish Explorers in the 1700's to the NW Coastal Indian Tribes. The potato was Introduced to the fresh market by David Ronniger in the late 1980's. The original seed was obtained from Anna Cheeka, Maka Indian of the Neah Bay Tribe where it is still grown today".
Austrian Crescent - Perfect for salads as well as boiled or steamed. Potato has yellow-tan skin and light yellow inside.
Butterfinger a.k.a. Swedish Peanut - Teardrop shaped finger potatoes with a nutty flavor. Yellow flesh with light-russetted exterior. Use steamed, sautéed, boiled or in salads.
French - A gourmet quality fingerling with satin purple-pink skin and yellow flesh with an interior ring of pink when cut across. Produces good quality, medium sized tubers which are a great addition to any plate. This thin skin variety is best cooked whole and unpeeled. Can be baked, roasted or steamed. Has a nutty flavor. It is said that this fingerling arrived in this country in a horse's feedbag.
Princess LaRatte - Similar to the Russian Banana with its yellow skin and flesh. This fingerling has a rich and nutty flavor and has long been a favorite of fine chefs. Wonderfully smooth and creamy when pureed yet maintains a firm texture when cooked. Said to have been discovered in the Swiss Alps this variety has become popular in Europe and U.S.
Purple Peruvian - Has bright purple flesh and skin and hails from the Andes Mountains in Peru. To maintain the color boil with 1 tablespoon of vinegar added to the cooking water. The purple potato has a slightly mealy texture.
Red Thumb - Red skin brightly hued as well as red flesh. Makes an attractive plate presentation.
Rose Finn Apple - Truly the classic European fingerling with its slender shape, rose-colored skin, smooth, firm, yellow flesh, waxy, moist consistent texture and distinct eyes. This savory delight is flavored as a puree to thicken soups, sauces and gravies but also makes a delectable roasting potato.
Ruby Crescent - European potato with a rosy color exterior and firm yellow flesh. A good potato to puree and equally successful when roasted.
Russian Banana - The superstar of the fingerlings and a favorite among chefs heralded for their excellent flavor and versatility. Yellow, banana-shaped, waxy-type tubers with firm texture great baked, boiled and steamed. From the Baltic Region of Europe/Asia has a rich and buttery taste.
Applications: Fingerling potatoes, because of their versatility and size are great time savers and compliment roasted chicken, grilled meats, and add a gourmet touch to salads and vegetable medley's. Bake, roast, grill, steam, fry, saute, boil or mash these gems and discover their superior flavor. Good source of fiber and vitamin C.